Time With My Father

During the nine months that Wenner’s father battled stomach cancer, she regularly interviewed him about what he was learning as he faced his death. He was newly determined to understand why he had made himself into what he called "a manufactured man"- someone who held people at bay because didn't believe he was worthy of love. On his death bed, with the camera recording, he made an extraordinary confession, telling Kate a secret he had harbored since he was a teenager.

Wenner turned this intimate videotaped journey into a documentary film, Time With My Father, shown in synagogues and Jewish Community centers across the country.

Read: “After the Fire”

New York Times Magazine by Kate Wenner

Read: “War is Brain Damaging”

New York Times Op Ed by Kate Wenner

ABC 20/20

During her fourteen year career as a producer for ABC's 20/20, Wenner produced countless segments and earned numerous awards for her work.

Her segments include: the first ever television portrait of Stephen Hawking and his family, the first national media attention given to adults dealing with the lifelong effects of brain damage resulting from exposure to alcohol in utero, the first national story about Attention Deficit Disorder in adults, an exclusive Barbara Walter's interview with the real Madame Butterfly, an expose showing that parents who verbally abuse their children do as much emotional damage as if they had physical abused them, a revelation of the agony of faced by families who lose their small farms to corporate agriculture, a week spent filming the work of the US Senate and revealing the impact of senators having to spend half their working days raising money for future campaigns.